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Hotel Osiris Ibiza

*To check instant availability and calculate the cost of your stay, and confirm your reservation if you wish, please complete the following fields*

  • Our best offers are available at :
You will not find our offers anywhere else. We have designed them to be the best rates (same dates, board basis and room type) that you can book on our hotel on the Internet .
  • No reservation fee, only a small deposit :
Unlike other sites, we require only a small prepayment deposit . You pay the balance once you arrive in the hotel. You can also change or cancel your reservation at no charge (before the cancellation limit).  
  • You are dealing directly with the hotel :

Nobody knows our hotel better than we do. The information we give at our website is the most reliable, updated and complete that you can find. In addition, you have the security of knowing you are communicating directly with the hotel.
Booking direct enables you to choose the bed arrangement, views and gives you access to all the information you need about the room, the hotel and the tips that can make your stay a perfect experience.
+ Free upgrade to rooms of higher standard or better view (subject to availability) .
+ Free late check-out (subject to availability) .


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Ibiza sunset
Sunset view from Hotel Osiris
Sunset from Hotel Osiris Ibiza
Hotel Osiris - Playa Es Puet - 07820 Bahía de San Antonio - Ibiza - Telf.: (0034) 971 340 916 - Fax: (0034) 971 341 685
Hotel Osiris Ibiza copyright Osiris S.A.
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